Situation of the Priest

In development Latest update: 09 January 2023

Situation of the Priest
Situace kněze

Czech Republic, Slovakia, North Macedonia / 100 min / Czech

In development Latest update: 09 January 2023

Situation of the Priest
Situace kněze

Czech Republic, Slovakia, North Macedonia / 100 min / Czech

Extremely cold winter of 1969. Czechoslovakia was mercilessly invaded by the Soviet army and priest Petr is facing a very difficult dilemma... and God is silent.

A dark figure is wading through wide plains of snow. Heavy lead clouds above the surrounding hills hold the snow fixed to the ground. The man is a priest. It is the end of the winter of 1969 and the situation in society is particularly desperate. When he could no longer lie to his conscience, he went to the dean, his confessor and superior. The dean accepted his confession, forgave him on behalf of God, and imposed absolution. As a human, he did not judge him and offered help. As a superior, he found the solution the priest had accepted in gratitude. It’s about the situation of the priest. Three days in which the priest has to deal with the dilemma of faith and meaningfulness of service to God; but God is silent.

Writer / Marek Grajciar , Ivo Trajkov

Completion date / August 2025

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Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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