Demon of the Marshes follows the journey of Josef Paseka, an alter-ego of Czech expressionist painter Josef Váchal, on his odyssey through the captivating Šumava Mountains. His quest is to find a sanctuary to breathe, to create, and experience tranquility and authenticity. Amid the rugged beauty of Šumava’s wilderness, Paseka encounters an array of whimsical creatures, from devil-pigeons to a magic goat and peat-eating miners. Slowly, Josef Paseka realizes that to truly comprehend this mystical region, he must shed the preconceptions he brought with him. A century ago, Šumava was already a place of paradoxes, both romantic and desolate, exploited and neglected, ravishing and enigmatic.
Story / Martin Pertlíček , Martin Novotný Writer / Martin Pertlíček , Martin Novotný
Completion date / 2027