Girl America

Girl America

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland / 2024 / 101 min

Girl America

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland / 2024 / 101 min

The poignant story of a forsaken girl raised in totalitarian Czechoslovakia blends surreal visuals with the stark reality of one girl's struggle for redemption. They called her Girl America. Once a girl, now a woman. How hard can you get hit and keep moving forward? Girl America is not just a story of overcoming; it's an emotional odyssey that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit, the transformative power of hope, and the pursuit of authentic happiness beyond fairy-tale endings.

Cast / Klára Kitto , Julie Šoucová , Pavla Beretová , Lucie Žáčková , Klára Melíšková , Tomáš Sean Pšenička , Magdaléna Borová , Zuzana Mauréry , Zuzana Kronerová , Vladimír Javorský    Writer / David Jařab    Story / Viktor Tauš , David Jařab    DoP / Martin Douba    Editor / Krzysztof Komander    Sound / Michał Fojcik    Music / Jan Prokeš    Costumes / Jan Kadlec    Make-Up / Jana Dopitová    Set Designer / Jan Kadlec

Release date / 26 September 2024


Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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