Nothing very unusual has happened to Michal. He finds himself in the middle of a situation he is partly responsible for and partly not, but it’s up to him to solve it. Everyone expects it of him and he himself would like to arrange things honorably and peacefully for everyone involved. But it isn’t possible. There seem to be plenty of alternatives. And because this is a film, Michal can try all of them. We have all found ourselves in pretty much the same situation, even if it wasn’t quite as critical, and how we desperately searched for any kind of at least somewhat honorable way out... Was there any? In contrast to a purely linear, horizontal approach, the resulting composition will employ montage cutting across the timeline of the plot, similar to the way memory works.
Cast / Petr Weiss , Zdena Hadrbolcová , Iva Janžurová , Natálie Drabiščáková , Kristýna Badinková Nováková , Tatiana Dyková , Kristýna Frejová , Vladimír Javorský , Jana Hubinská , Luděk Sobota , Michal Malátný , Pavel Landovský , Zuzana Stivínová , Kryštof Hádek Writer / Martin Dolenský DoP / Antonín Chundela Editor / Jakub Sýkora Sound / Tomáš Bělohradský
Release date / 29 November 2007