The film happens to be directed by the granddaughter of Radek Pilař, well known creator of beloved Czech children animated series such as Rumcajs and somewhat less known as a pioneer of video art in Czechoslovakia. The documentary brushes the dust off of those old VHS tapes to get a glimpse of early electronic images in our country and uncover the yet unmapped history of pre-revolution Czech video art. Decades later they all “videists” still share their enthusiasm, obsessive curiosity, and futuristic visions about the use of new technologies for artistic expression.
Writer / Adéla Komrzý Story / Adéla Komrzý DoP / Jakub Halousek , Kryštof Hlůže Editor / Šimon Hájek Sound / Jakub Jurásek Music / Jan Hammer
Release date / 13 February 2020