The film Small Circle of Attention tells the story of Přemek, an older and a well-respected stage actor. He's trying to behave like his characters: morally and honestly. Přemek suddenly falls in love with a younger female colleague from the theatre and, because of this life-long philosophy, he takes his feelings very seriously. Přemek is also married. His wife of many years is ill with diabetes. She has to take insulin several times a day. If nothing else, Přemek feels at least a basic duty to assist her. He is fighting with his own feelings for his new young colleague. But when Přemek finally does overcome his feelings for his young colleague, there is an unexpected reversal. Small Circle of Attention is an intimate psychological story.
Cast / Ela Lehotská , Tomáš Měcháček , Miroslav Krobot , Ján Sedal Writer / Josef Tuka DoP / Jan Cabalka Editor / Šimon Hájek Sound / Filip Slavík
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